Web Application Security

Web application security, often known as Web AppSec, encompasses the practice of constructing websites that continue to function as expected, even when faced with adversarial attacks.

What Is Web Application Security?

Web application security, often known as Web AppSec, encompasses the practice of constructing websites that continue to function as expected, even when faced with adversarial attacks. It entails the implementation of a set of protective measures within a web application to safeguard its assets from potential threats posed by malicious entities. Since web applications, like all software, inevitably contain imperfections, some of these flaws may evolve into vulnerabilities that can be exploited, thereby presenting risks to organizations. Web application security is the strategy employed to counteract these defects. It revolves around the incorporation of secure development principles and the integration of security safeguards into every phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC) to ensure that both design-level flaws and implementation-level errors are effectively addressed.

Why Is Web Security Testing Important?

Web security testing is directed at identifying security vulnerabilities within Web applications and their configurations. The primary focus is on the application layer, specifically what operates under the HTTP protocol. Evaluating the security of a Web application often entails the submission of various input types to trigger errors and provoke unexpected system behaviour. These assessments, often referred to as “negative tests,” seek to determine if the system is performing actions beyond its intended design.

It’s crucial to recognize that Web security testing is not limited to examining the security features such as authentication and authorization that may be integrated into the application. Equally significant is the examination of how other functionalities are implemented in a secure manner, including aspects like business logic, appropriate input validation, and output encoding. The overarching objective is to guarantee the security of the functions exposed by the Web application.

What Are The Different Types Of Security Tests?

Dynamic Application Security Test, or DAST, finds its forte when gracing the realm of internally-facing, low-risk applications that bear the weight of regulatory scrutiny. As for those medium-risk applications or the esteemed critical ones in the midst of minor metamorphoses, it is prudent to couple DAST with a touch of manual web security testing, ensuring the graceful address of those common vulnerabilities.

The Static Application Security Test, often hailed as SAST, unfurls its splendid array of automated and manual testing techniques, bestowing its virtues upon the quest for bugs sans the need for the theatrical execution of applications in a production setting. This noble endeavour extends its hand to developers, guiding them through the meticulous scrutiny of source code, gallantly uncovering and vanquishing software security vulnerabilities.

However, when the stakes are high, especially for the noble guardians of critical applications undergoing substantial transformations, the Penetration Test steps forth as the chivalrous protector. With its gallant approach, it embarks on a quest to unravel the secrets of business logic and adversaries, seeking the most treacherous of attack scenarios.
And lo, the Runtime Application Self-Protection, known as RASP, emerges as an avant-garde champion in the ever-evolving realm of application security. It deploys a myriad of technological wonders to enrobe an application, allowing the vigilant monitoring of attacks as they unfold, with aspirations to thwart these miscreants in real-time.

Now, in the grand tapestry of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), behold a regal table, mapping the timely performance of these noble tests:

  • SDLC Phase

    Recommended Security Test

  • Requirements Gathering

    Alas, these trials shall not commence.

  • Design

    Nay, this is not the hour for testing.

  • Implementation

    DAST guards the low-risk portals, SAST unveils code vulnerabilities, Penetration Testing for critical realms.

  • Testing

    DAST is granted medium-risk dominion, Penetration Testing defends the critical.

  • Deployment

    RASP watches as applications set sail.

  • Maintenance and Updates

    DAST stands sentinel for routine checks.

Pray, Take Heed That The Timing And Application Of These Tests May Be
Influenced By The Unique Needs And Circumstances Of The Project At Hand.



Security Controls

Security Testing


Project initiation and risk assessment.

  • Define security objectives and goals.

  • Identify compliance requirements.

  • Allocate resources for security.

  • Establish security policies.

  • Develop a security project plan.

  • Initial threat modelling.

  • Review security requirements.

  • Security awareness training.

  • Security project kick-off meeting.


Define the security requirements of the application and gather functional and non-functional requirements.

  • Identify security features and mechanisms. .

  • Define data classification and handling.

  • Determine access control requirements.

  • Specify authentication and authorization.

  • Design secure communication.

  • Establish session management rules.

  • Review security requirements.

  • Create threat models.

  • Security requirements review.

  • Privacy impact assessment.

  • Legal and regulatory compliance.


Create the high-level architecture and detailed design of the application.

  • Develop security architecture

  • Define data protection mechanisms.

  •  Plan secure access control.

  • Specify authentication and authorization.

  • Design secure communication.

  • Develop session management strategy.

  • Security design review.

  • Peer reviews of design documents.

  • Threat modelling.

  • Architecture analysis.

  • Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Secure,

  • architecture review.


Senior DevelWrite code, develop features, and create the application’s functionality.oper

  • Implement input validation and output encoding.

  • Code access control mechanisms.

  • Implement authentication and authorization.

  • Code secure communication protocols.

  • Incorporate session management features.

  • SAST and code reviews.

  • Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST).

  • Code analysis for vulnerabilities.

  • RASP for runtime protection.


Verify the application’s functionality and identify security vulnerabilities.

  • Execute penetration testing for vulnerabilities.

  • Validate data validation and input sanitization mechanisms.

  • Verify secure authentication settings.

  • Conduct authorization testing.

  • Evaluate session management.

  • Security testing of application functionality and security controls.

  • Penetration testing.

  • Automated security testing tools. 

  • Cross-site scripting (XSS) testing.

  • Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) testing.


Release the application into a production environment.

  • Deploy secure configuration settings.

  •  Review access control configurations.

  • Verify secure authentication settings.

  • Monitor security-related logs and events. Prepare an incident response plan.

  • Configuration review.

  •  Security scanning for misconfigurations.

  • Business continuity and disaster recovery testing.

  • Fuzz testing for vulnerabilities.

  • Load testing for security and performance.


Ongoing support and updates for the application to address security issues.

  • Regularly update security patches.

  • Perform code reviews for changes.

  • Maintain secure access control policies. Monitor user authentication.

  • Enhance security awareness training.New List Item

  • Continuous monitoring and logging.

  • Security incident detection.

  •  Regular security assessments. Vulnerability assessment.

  • Security audits and compliance checks.

How Does Application Security Testing Reduce Your Organization’s Risk?

Majority Of Web Application Attacks

  • SQL Injection
  • XSS (Cross Site Scripting)
  • Remote Command
  • Execution Path Traversal

Attack Results

  • Access to restricted content
  • Compromised user accounts
  • Installation of malicious code
  • Lost sales revenue
  • Loss of trust with customers
  • Damaged brand reputation And much more…

In the contemporary landscape, a web application can fall prey to a wide array of vulnerabilities. The diagram above highlights some of the foremost tactics employed by malicious actors, capable of inflicting substantial harm upon an individual application or, in a broader context, the entire organization. Acquiring an understanding of these diverse attack vectors, along with the potential repercussions they may bring, empowers your company to proactively address these weak points and conduct precise assessments.
By uncovering the root causes of these vulnerabilities, you can deploy protective measures in the early stages of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) to stave off potential issues. Moreover, comprehending the intricacies of these attacks equips you to focus your Web application security tests on known areas of interest.
Appreciating the ramifications of a successful attack is crucial in managing your firm’s risk. The impact of a triumphant breach can serve as a yardstick for assessing the overall severity of a vulnerability. When security tests unearth issues, categorizing them by severity empowers your company to prioritize remediation efforts with efficiency. Start with the most critical issues and gradually work your way down the list to mitigate risks systematically.
Before any issues surface, evaluating the potential impact on each application within your company’s application portfolio can guide the prioritization of application security testing. Armed with a curated list of high-profile applications, you can strategically schedule web security testing, first targeting the company’s critical applications to bolster defenses against potential business risks

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